polysaccharides (realistic 33-34%)
Reishi ( Ganoderma lucidum) is one of the most widely used vital mushrooms.
It has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years for its vitalising effects.
It is native to Asia, where it is also called the "divine mushroom of immortality".
And you can see how our Reishi is grown there here.
Reishi , or glossy cordgrass, owes its effects to various bioactive compounds that make it completely unique. In Reishi we can find a large number of vitamins and minerals, but also many polysaccharides, especially betaglucans and triterpenes. It is these substances that make these vital mushrooms such powerful helpers in supporting immunity.
The effect of the Reishi or ganoderma vital mushroom is very broad spectrum. It is not found in such a wide range in any other vital mushroom. Therefore, Reishi can be used for the vast majority of imbalances.
It primarily supports Wei Qi (defensive Qi) while powerfully enhancing a person's vitality. It can be used to support vitality in a number of chronic imbalances.
Because of its tropism to the Xin (Heart), we can use Reishi or Ganoderma to support the cardiovascular system. According to Chinese medicine, the Xin (Heart) is also responsible for our psyche because it houses the Shen soul. Reishi is therefore also excellent for harmonizing psychological imbalances.
According to Chinese medicine, it can harmonize and support the Gan (Liver) and strengthen the Fei (Lungs). Therefore, it can be used successfully for imbalances related to these two systems.
We grow our Reishi, or ganoderma, on oak trees in the unspoiled nature of the Chinese highlands.
We process theMycoMedica Reishi extract by double extraction. For some mushrooms, hot water extraction is not enough. A second alcohol extraction is needed to extract the important substances. Without this second extraction, our organsimus would not be able to utilize important substances such as triterpenes from Reishi.
You can learn more about Reishi here.
We process Reishi ( Ganoderma lucidum) using a double extraction method (first with water and then with alcohol), which allows us to offer a high-quality extract with an ideal ratio of bioactive substances.
Ideal ratio of bioactive ingredients for best results:
polysaccharides (realistic 33-34%)
min. 4 % triterpenes
Package content: 90 vegetable capsules with 500mg of extract (also suitable for vegans)
Net pack weight: 53g
Ingredients in 1 capsule:
Reishi ( Ganoderma lucidum) 100% pure extract - 500mg
Reishi ( Ganoderma lucidum)
Not sure how to use our products? Please contact our Expert Advice Service.
Our therapists will be happy to help you.
Normal dose
1-2 capsules per day
1 capsule contains 0.5g of mushroom extract.
Increased dose
3-10 capsules per day
It is advisable to consult a doctor or Chinese medicine practitioner.
The product is not intended for children under 3 years of age, pregnant and breastfeeding. Do not exceed the recommended daily dosage. Keep out of reach of children. Product is not intended to replace a varied diet. Does not contain caffeine, gluten, preservatives, colourings or sugar.
Just like you, we want to be absolutely sure that our mushrooms are 100% effective and safe. That's why we subject them to the most stringent tests on the market, not only for harmful substances, but also for effective ones such as polysaccharides, beta-glucans, terpenes, etc.
Mushrooms like to take in all sorts of substances from the environment in which they grow. In order to ensure that nothing unwanted gets into ours, we actually test them all the time: from harvesting to production to the finished product. You could say we are obsessed with testing.
We test MycoMedica mushrooms in laboratories in the USA, Ireland, Germany, as well as at the University of Science and Technology in Prague. We don't do random tests, but honestly test all mushroom raw material at all stages of the process. Top-notch facilities look for more than 350 harmful substances in mushrooms for us. For example:
The tests we carry out are far more demanding than those required by legislation. We can attach a report to each individual capsule and tell you exactly where it came from.
Our mushrooms have been achieving excellent results in tests for 15 years.
We also test the active ingredients
Testing the polysaccharide content of our vital mushrooms is standard procedure for us to ensure the highest quality products. We guarantee a high content of polysaccharides, the most effective component of which is betaglucans, which are known for their benefits to the immune system. This guarantees that our mushrooms are not only pure, but also maximally effective.
MycoMedica's strict manufacturing practices
In our company, we place great emphasis on the quality and safety of our products. Therefore, we strictly adhere to HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) standards in all our production processes. This system enables us to effectively identify and manage the risks associated with food production, thus ensuring maximum safety and satisfaction of our customers.
Proof of our commitment to high quality standards is the Good Manufacturing Practice Certificate we have received from the State Agricultural and Food Inspection Authority.
Want to see for yourself? Detailed test results can be found in the attached specifications. If you have any further questions regarding quality, please do not hesitate to contact us at : zakazky@MycoMedica.cz
spokojenost s produkty,mycocholest funguje,cholesterol mi klesl,beru dvě tablety denně a mám hodnoty v normě..
Cordyceps užíváme už čtyři roky a jsme velmi spokojeni. Máme mnohem více energie a lepší imunitu.
Dobrý den, chtěla bych touto cestou moc poděkovat Vaší společnosti, vám všem, hlavně paní Gluvňové, která mi v březnu minulého roku odpovídala na vyplněný diagnostický formulář. (originál e-mailu mi někam zmizel, proto píšu touto cestou a bohužel bez historie.) Vámi doporučené tinktury a preparáty zabraly přímo magicky a při následném umělém oplodnění v květnu, zavedení posledního embrya, které nám v mrazáku zbylo se dílo podařilo a dnes mi tu leží v postýlce malý, zdravý, donošený chlapeček. 😄 Jsme neuvěřitelně šťastni, nejšťastnější rodiče pod sluncem. Nikdo v to už nevěřil, po sedmi letech snažení se a 7-mi pokusech o ivf. TČM byla poslední možnost, kterou jsem zkusila, řekla jsem si, že do posledního pokusu dám vše a napsala i na Vaši poradnu. P. Gluvňová mi poradila, že nejdříve je nutno harmonizovat menstruační cyklus a doporučila vybrané tinktury. Tyto jsem si zakoupila a opravdu - následující menstruace byla jako v 16-ti - bez sedlin a krásně červená krev. NEVĚŘÍLA JSEM SVÝM OČÍM, co bylinky dokážou! Na akupunkturu jsem chodila do Sancai - Statenice, kde jsem si po zavedení embrya nechala vyrobit i bylinkovou směs, která se zalévala vždy večer horkou vodou. Zřejmě byla také namíchaná od Vás, jelikož i další tinktury byly od Yao Medica. Popravdě, nevěřila jsem, že se mi podaří otěhotnět. Nejhorší je to čekání na pozitivní test (14 dní). K mému velkému překvapení byl test pozitivní - poprvé v mém životě! Řekla bych, že se u mě stal přímo ZÁZRAK! Celé těhotenství mimo stresů s naší tradiční medicínou a těhotenskou diabetes v závěru (šla zvládnout dietou) považuji za zvládnutelné, po porodu plánovaným císařským řezem 01.02.2024 mám dokonce o 10 kg. méně, než před otěhotněním a za celé těhotenství jsem přibrala asi jen 5-6 kg. Chci velice poděkovat Vašemu týmu za vše, co jste pro mě udělali. Prosím, tento e-mail můžete připojit do referencí- na stránkách jsem přímo nenašla, tak volím tuto cestu. Přílohou posílám foto našeho andílka a ještě jednou mnohokrát děkuji.
Užíval jsem cca 3 měsíce kvůli vysokému tlaku a nyní už mohu léky předepsané lékařem úplně vysadit. Děkuji MycoMedice
Advice only works on MycoMedica and YaoMedica products
The world of Traditional Chinese Medicine looks at the body very differently than our Western medicine. Therefore, it can sometimes be difficult for you to find your way around and choose the right product - the right vital mushroom or herbal blend.
That's why we, Misha and Lenka - traditional Chinese medicine therapists - are here to recommend the best for you in our online consultation. We have been dealing with vital mushrooms and herbs for many years, using them daily in our own practices, so we know exactly how they work and when they help.