002 - Dam cleaning

Category: sexuality, fertility, urology, prevention, anti-aging, liver system.

The use of the recipe according to traditional Chinese medicine:

-Strengthens Kidney Yang

-promotes Qi flow and breaks blockage in the lower heater (prostate area)

-removes pathological fluids and impurities

-releases Liver Qi


This is a modern blend combining the power of Eastern and Western herbs to positively affect benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and similarly manifested problems (weak and/or intermittent urine flow, incomplete urination or its cessation, pain during urination, pressure and/or burning in the prostate area) - no changes may be apparent on ultrasound yet...

In her, classical Chinese herbs are aimed at strengthening the Kidney Yang (for example, also stabilizing testosterone levels), softening and upsetting stagnations and blockages in the prostate area, and draining the turbid. They also relax the Liver, further aiding the proper flow of all that is needed.

Serenoa creeper (saw palmetto) is native to North America and has been used by Native Americans for prostate problems since ancient times. It helps to limit further enlargement of the prostate, and thus worsening bladder emptying difficulties (and also, like the previous one, has an effect on testosterone metabolism). The herb and the whole mixture not only benefits the prostate, but also maintains the proper function of the male reproductive system, the urinary system and healthy hair growth. This can greatly improve the quality of life for men. Importantly, it is also preventive, it is good to start taking it as soon as problems appear and works best when taken long term and regularly.


-weak urine stream

-long onset of urination

-intermittent urination

-urge to urinate and frequent urination

-feeling of incomplete urination and dripping urine

-pressure and/or burning in the prostate area

Modern Uses:

-benign prostatic hyperplasia (prostate enlargement)

-"preventive" mixture for prostate

-chronic prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate)


-by predominant image


-by prevailing image


-acute prostatitis (prostatitis)


This is more of a preventive mixture, which we take right from the first symptoms. Of course, the primary thing is to check with a doctor to rule out more serious problems (e.g. check PSA levels, with higher values it would be necessary to examine the condition carefully, and we would also choose a different mixture or a combination of them).

The mixture has been shown to prevent the conversion of the hormone testosterone to dihydrotestosterone.

Prescription Ingredients:

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Tu Si Zi

Chinese cockatiel, seed

Sem. cuscutae

Jin Ying Zi

Smooth rose

Rosae laevigatae fructus

Fu Ling

poria coconut, sclerotium

Skler. poriae


Mu Li


Concha ostreae


Mai Ya

sprouted barley, fruit

Fruc. hordei germinatus


serenoa creeping

Serenoa repens