016 - Sharpening the Senses (Yi Qi Cong Ming Wan)

Category: digestion, psyche, nerves, insomnia, senses, fatigue, prevention, anti-aging, Spleen system.

The use of the recipe according to traditional Chinese medicine:

-replenishes Qi and blood

-raises Yang Qi

-benefits eyes and ears

-purifies yin fire


The blend is very effective in solving eye and ear problems associated with Qi deficiency, especially when the spleen (digestion complex) is weakened and not enough vital substances - Qi and blood - are formed. Firstly, there is a lack of energy to "carry" the nutrition up to the head, and secondly, there is not enough nutrition. Both the senses and the brain suffer.

This manifests as impaired vision and hearing, blurred vision, tinnitus - usually tinnitus, and dizziness. Memory fades, we have trouble remembering words. With a weakened spleen, we suffer from lack of appetite, spontaneous sweating, or chronic diarrhea or mushy stools. The condition can be the result of advanced age, but it also occurs in middle age, when it is part of the picture of the so-called yin fire: weak Spleen, variously expressed heat above and dampness below. It can manifest, for example, as otitis media or inflammation in the colon - as ulcerative colitis, when the dampness falling down becomes stagnant and turns into damp heat.


-deterioration of vision and hearing from lack of Qi

-hearing loss

-blurred vision

-tinnitus - tinnitus (or whistling) in the ears

-impaired memory and discernment

-headache from fatigue and exhaustion

-dizziness (vertigo)


-otitis media

-pterygium (conjunctivitis)

-ulcerative colitis

-soft stools with mucus

Modern Uses:

-cognitive impairment

-cerebral arteriosclerosis


-visual and hearing impairment


-atrophy of the n. opticus


-otitis media

-ulcerative colitis



-often pale


-with teeth marks

-possibly with a red tip






-images of excess when insufficiency is not present in the median radiator area


-mixture also promotes skin vitality

-avoid raw, cold, acidic, fatty foods for the duration of the treatment - they further weaken your digestion

-you should not be exposed to fire and smoke while taking this blend

-when your eyesight and hearing are weakened with significant Liver and Kidney deficiency - after the weakness of the Spleen has been overcome, supplement with a Liu Wei Di Huang Wan based blend

Recipe Ingredients:






Huang Qi

valerian, root

Rad. astragali

Dang Shen

Hairy flint, root

Rad. codonopsis


Gan Cao

Licorice, root

Rad. glycyrrhizae


Sheng Ma

stinking skullcap

Rad. cimicifugae

Ge Gen

kudzu, root

Rad. puerariae


Man Jing Zi


Fruct. viticis


Bai Shao

Milkweed, root

Rad. Paeoniae Alba


Huang Bai

Amur cork tree, bark

Cort. phellodendri