019 - Cold Earth (Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang)

Category:Digestion, gynecology, sexuality, fertility, urology, pain relief.

Use of the recipe according to traditional Chinese medicine:

-activates blood circulation and breaks blood stasis

-warms the uterus and lower radiator

-regulates menstruation

-relieves pain


Coldness in the uterus and lower radiator is manifested by discomfort, pressure to pain in the lower abdomen, which is mainly related to menstruation. They often come a few days before the start of the period and are most pronounced on the first or second day. Menstruation may be weak or very strong, or it may stop completely for a day. However, menstrual blood is always dark, especially at the beginning, with clots. When the clots go away, there is often relief. Warmth, such as a warm shower, also helps.

Why is menstruation so painful? The cold concentrates everything, stops it. It also slows the flow of Qi and blood in the pathways and vessels. Therefore, the uterine tissue is not nourished enough and the woman cannot get pregnant, for example. The blood stagnates and creates blockages, which can later manifest themselves as fibroids or adhesions. And stagnation and blockages are always accompanied by some form of pain or tightness. The solution is to revive the blood, transform the blockages, warm the lower abdomen and stop the pain.


-blood stasis that arise due to cold accumulation in the lower abdomen.

-pain or tension in the lower abdomen that intensifies with the onset of menstruation

-painful menstruation

-irregular, prolonged or intermittent menstruation

-dark menstrual blood with clots

-uterine bleeding

-cold feeling in the abdomen

-palpable masses (presence of cysts, fibroids) in the abdomen

-infertility in both sexes

-decreased sperm count, damaged sperm, etc.

-crankiness to depression as a result of a general tendency to blockages

Modern Uses:

-fertility problems in both women and men

-habitual abortions

-amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) or irregular menstruation

-dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation)

-uterine bleeding

-ectopic pregnancy


-ovarian cysts

-uterine fibroids

-chronic inflammation of the uterus and small pelvis

-ulcerative colitis

-urinary stones (urolithiasis)


-dark or purplish

-purple dots or spots on the edges of the tongue

-pale in very cold weather

-coating white

-in mild or local blockages, changes may not be noticeable on the tongue






-absence of cold in the lower abdomen

-irregular menstruation or hot bleeding


-deficiency conditions


The mixture is intended to dispel full-blown coldness in the lower abdomen, especially the uterus, and to treat the blood blockages that result. It is not intended to tonify - replenish and warm the Kidney Yang. Significant menstrual pain, for which warmth and the passing of clots at the onset of menstruation brings relief, is a fairly reliable diagnostic criterion.

Prescription Ingredients:

Edited by




Dang Gui

Chinese angelica, root

Rad. angelicae sinensis


Chuan Xiong

Wallich's dill

Rhiz. ligustici

Chi Shao

White-flowered peony, root

Rad. paeoniae rubra

Wu Ling Zhi

mountain buttercup

Excrementum trogopteri seu pteromi


Pu Huang

narrow-leaved honeysuckle, pollen of male plants

Pollen typhae

Yan Hu Suo


Rhiz. corydalis


Gan Jiang


Rhiz. zingiberis

Xiao Hui Xiang

Fennel, fruit

Fruct. foeniculi

Rou Gui

Chinese cinnamon tree, bark

Cort. cinnamomi

Mo Yao

myrrh tree

Resina myrrhae