020 - Warming the Chamber (Zan Yu Tang)

Categories: gynecology, sexuality, fertility, fatigue, urology, metabolism, Heart and blood vessels, prevention, anti-aging, Liver system, Kidney system, Spleen system.

Use of the recipe according to traditional Chinese medicine:

-replenishes the Kidney Essence and powerfully warms the Yang Kidney

-replenishes Qi and blood

-benefits the Spleen

-connects the pre-Heavenly and post-Heavenly


One of the common causes of infertility in women (and men) is a deficiency of Kidney Essence and Yang - the uterus and ovaries are undernourished, and moreover, chilled. In this case, because the ministerial fire, which belongs to the Kidneys and heats all the tissues and fluids in the body, is weak. The woman is tired, shivering, has cold hands and feet, and fails to conceive. Zan Yu Tang not only replenishes the blood and essence, warming the Kidney Yang, but also contains herbs that further energize the interior by both warming and replenishing the Qi. Imagine what a cold broth looks like: the fat is solidified, everything is thickened... By heating it, we completely change its consistency. So this recipe replenishes and warms everything and therefore harmonizes the overall Yang and Yin in the body. And the seed can finally take hold and grow.


-pregnancy problems

-recurrent spontaneous abortions in the first weeks of pregnancy

-weak and/or delayed menstruation

-chills, cold extremities

-coldness or pain in the loins

-pale to white skin



-frequent urination or nighttime urination of copious amounts of light urine

-infertility in women and men

-irregularity of the menstrual cycle

-endometriosis without significant pain

-polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

-erectile dysfunction to impotence, chronic back pain, decreased thyroid function






-Ruo certainly in the Kidney area

-possibly Chen

-Ruo in other positions as well


-absence of cold

-conditions with the presence of internal heat


-Use the mixture until the body warms up and fatigue subsides.

Recipe Ingredients:






Suo Yang

Herb. cynomorii

Yin Yang Huo

Cinnamon, marigold

Herba epimedii

Xian Mao

Rhiz. curculiginis


Du Zhong

elm gumojilm, bark

Cort. eucommiae

Shan Zhu Yu

dogwood, fruit

Fruct. corni

She Chuang Zi

Monnierova jarva

Cnidium monnerii

Fu Zi

Carmichael's honeysuckle, lateral root

Rad. lateralis aconiti preparata

Rou Gui

Chinese cinnamon tree, bark

Cort. cinnamomi


Di Huang

Sticky rehmannia, modified root

Rad. rehmaniae preparata

Dang Gui

Chinese angelica, root

Rad. angelicae sinensis

Gou Qi Zi

Chinese curcuma, fruit

Fruct. lycii


Bai Zhu

Atractylus grandiflora, rhizome

Rhiz. atractylodis