034 - Deer Power (You Gui Wan Jia Jian)

Category: digestion, gynecology, sexuality, fertility, musculoskeletal system, joints, fatigue, urology, metabolism, prevention, anti-aging, system, Liver, Kidney system, immunity.

Use of the recipe according to traditional Chinese medicine:

-warms and replenishes Kidney Yang and Ming Men Fire (Ministerial Kidney Fire).

-replenishes Jing essence and blood


The original You Gui Wan formula dates back to the Ming Dynasty and is used to strengthen tissues such as tendons and bones, including the lumbar region, in addition to warming and replenishing Kidney Yang. This modification by physician Zhang Jingyue from 1624 is mainly aimed at promoting sexual function, increasing libido and fertility, both in men and women.

What is Kidney Yang? The so-called ministerial fire that belongs to the Kidneys and warms all the tissues and fluids in the body. Imagine what a cold broth looks like: the fat is solidified, everything is thickened, it does not flow properly... When we warm it up - it completely changes its consistency and starts to smell beautiful. So it is with all tissues, but the genital tract has the closest relationship with the Kidneys and their Yang - libido and fertility are directly tied to it.

The recipe contains so-called hormonally active herbs (morinda, cinnamon and sumac), which are further supported by so-called astringent seeds that help to concentrate the Yang energy properly (cocotte, blackberry).

The biomedical action of the mixture is not yet precisely described, but it is believed that it can increase testosterone levels and support the production of certain cytokines (e.g. interferon-gamma) that are important for the body's immune functions. In a 1998 clinical study on men with low sperm counts and poor sperm motility, 83% of them experienced such an improvement that their wives became pregnant after 2-4 months of use. [Chen Q. Renowned Patent Traditional Chinese Medicines: Pharmacology and Clinical ApPlications (1998)]


-loss of libido in both men and women

-impotence, erection problem

-fertility problems

-reduced sperm count, poor sperm motility or morphology

-premature ejaculation of semen


-cold extremities, especially the feet


-weakness of the hips and knees

-frequent urination

-urination at night

-swelling (around ankles)

-white discharge in women

-indigestion, mushy stools


Modern Uses:




-frequent urination

-nephrotic syndrome

-chronic nephritis

-diabetes mellitus


-oyster, lumbago


-leukopenia (reduced white blood cell count)

-anti aging effect




-chen (submerged)

-ruo (weak)


-in case of insufficiency of Kidneys with more moisture in the body, use a mixture that contains draining herbs to drain it


Suitable to be used for several weeks - usually the effect is seen within a month. It does not work "instantly" (like the blue pill) but is safe, with no adverse effects on the cardiovascular system.

Avoid cold and uncooked foods while taking the mixture.

It can also be used for a long time, in which case the following scheme is chosen: 1st month support Yangu Ledvin, 2nd month support Yin Ledvin, 3rd month break - and repeat again... Especially suitable after 45 years of age, when it has a significant anti-aging effect.

The blend also contains herbs supplementing essence and blood, although in case of a greater deficiency of yin substances it is good to supplement the blend with Zan Yu Tang or Cordyceps.

Recipe Ingredients:

Edited by





Di Huang

rehmania sticky, modified root

Rad. rehmaniae preparata


Tu Si Zi

Coquette Chinese, seed

Sem. cuscutae

Gou Qi Zi

Chinesecurcuma , fruit

Lycii fruct.

Shan Zhu Yu

dogwood, fruit

Fruc. corni

Fu Pen Zi

Blackberry, fruit

Fruc. rubi

Ba Ji Tian

morinda, root

Rad. morindae

Yin Yang Huo

Cinnamon, stem

Herb. epimedii

Xian Mao

Rhiz. curculiginis

She Chuang Zi

jarva monnierova

Cnidium monnerii

Rou Gui

Cinnamon tree Chinese, bark

Cort. cinnamomi