038 - Clear Mind (Bu Nao Yang Shen Tang)

Category:Psyche, nerves, insomnia, senses, Heart and blood vessels, prevention, anti-aging, Liver system, Heart system.

Use of the recipe according to traditional Chinese medicine:

-nourishes the brain - sea marrow

-calms the soul Shen

-strengthens the Kidneys and nourishes the blood of the Heart

-improves communication between the Heart and Kidneys

-connects pre-Nebesian and post-Nebesian sources, Kidney and Spleen

A modern blend that is primarily for insomnia, restlessness, poor memory and concentration caused by lack of nourishment of the soul Shen, which belongs to the Heart and affects all aspects of our personality. However, the ancient Chinese already suspected that the brain is related to thinking and mental functions.

They referred to it as the sea of marrow and it belonged to the Kidneys. The heart and the kidneys are the two poles of the Qi mechanism. They also represent two opposing forces - Yin and Yang - whose balance is necessary for the proper functioning of the body, and conversely, an imbalance will affect the body, in this case especially the spirit. This can be caused by old age, but also by excessive study or mental work. Therefore, the mixture is recommended for students preparing for exams, to improve mental abilities in old age, or also after a severe illness or childbirth in cases where the Spleen is not significantly weakened.

Polygal and Pushchwort "open the clear openings" - the senses and speech and help us to perceive reality as it is. Jujube, sage and angelica replenish the heart and spirit, and the cicory connects the pre-Heavenly and post-Heavenly. Anemarhena can also clear the heat that can also unsettle Shen's soul. The blend is therefore very well balanced and effective for overall "clearing the mind".


-inability to concentrate

-impairment or loss of memory and/or concentration

-sleep disorders

-troublesome dreams

-mental fatigue and stress

-headaches from mental exertion

-heart palpitations

-anxiety from exhaustion

Modern Uses:

-revitalizing brain function

-relieving the effects of mental exhaustion and




-or slightly swollen and moist





-not known


An excellent blend for anyone tired of excessive mental effort in today's hectic, stress-filled times. It is recommended to start taking at the first sign of the above and mental strain, for example also for students during exam period.

Ingredients of the recipe:

Edited by





Yuan Zhi

polygal, root

Rad. polygalae tenuifoliae

Shi Chang Pu

Grass-leaved buckthorn, rhizome

Rhiz. acori

Bei Sheng

Wu Wei Zi

Chinese schizandra, fruit

Schisandrae chinensis fruc.


Suan Zao Ren

jujube, thorny, seed

Ziziphi spinosae sem.

He Huan Hua

Mimosa sensitive, flower

Flos albizziae

Ye Jiao Teng

many-flowered spurge, stem

Cau. polygoni multiflori


Dan Shen

Red-rooted sage, root

Rad. salviae

Zhi Mu

anemarhena asphodendron, rhizome

Anemarrhenae asphodeloidis rhiz.


Huang Jing


Polygonatum sibiricum

Dang Gui

Chinese angelica, root

Rad. angelicae sinensis