04 - White Cocoon (Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin)

Categories: breathing, psyche, nerves, insomnia, senses, acute attack, hidden pathogen, skin, detox, heart system, immunity.

Use of recipe according to traditional Chinese medicine:

-purifies bitterness

-removes hot wind

-eliminates toxin

-removes hidden pathogen


Although the formula carries "universal toxin removal effect" in its Chinese name, the truth is that it best removes heat and toxin from the head and neck area. Although its basic use is in acute external infections such as tonsillitis, influenza, mumps, sinusitis and otitis media (with symptoms such as fever, chills, sore and swollen throat, pins and needles on the tonsils, red and swollen eyes, swollen face, restlessness...), it is also used very successfully in the treatment of the so-called hidden pathogen, especially and again in the neck and head area. The organism is attacked, often by creatures that are very resistant to treatment, such as various viruses (herpes simplex and zoster, infectious mononucleosis) and bacteria (erysipelas - "rosacea", recurrent tonsillitis, furuncles and other skin affections), etc. Even if the classical treatment is carried out and everything seems to be fine, part of the pathogen remains hidden in one of the deeper layers, where it waits for its "opportunity". This is why it is a so-called "hidden pathogen". It can reactivate whenever our defensive energy levels fall below a critical threshold, or when it is not flowing as it should, for example, due to stress where heat is generated through emotions. Moreover, this unwelcome guest makes us feel unwell in between - we feel like something is always "getting to us", we are tired and inefficient.

The formula contains herbs that clear the heat from the organs and tissues, remove toxin - e.g. pus, "clear" the throat and correct the proper Qi mechanism. Thus, it is able to "pull out" pathogens even from the depths and our energy and vitality return.


-inflammations in the head and neck area

-hidden pathogen in the head and neck region

-purulent pins and needles on the tonsils

-red and swollen throat

-sharp or burning pain in the throat

-swollen nodes


-fever with aversion to cold

-red and swollen eyes

-red and painful face

-thirst, dry mouth and throat

-general restlessness

Modern Uses:


-sore throat


-viral or bacterial infection of the respiratory tract

-acute sinusitis

-otitis media

-purulent acute inflammations and abscesses in the head and neck area



-herpes simplex and herpes zoster (cold sores)

-erysipelas (rosacea)

-eye inflammation



-epidemic haemorrhagic fever

-hidden pathogen



-or dry


-white or yellow coating




-event. i jin or shi


-caution long term in patients with Yin deficiency, the formula is very distracting

-acutely without KI


The mixture is mild and suitable for children.

Avoid spicy, aromatic and fatty foods and products for the duration of use.

Recipe ingredients:

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Huang Qin

Baikal coneflower, root

Rad. scutellariae


Huang Lian

Chinese coptis, rhizome

Rhiz. coptidis

Ban Lan Gen

Borate, root

Rad. isatidis


Lian Qiao

goldenrod, fruit

Fruc. forsythiae

Bo He

mint, leaf

Fol. menthae

Niu Bang Zi

burdock, seed

Sem. arctii

Jie Geng

Platycodon major, root

Rad. platycodi


Gan Cao

Licorice, root

Rad. glycyrrhizae

Jiang Can


Bombyx batryticatus

Xuan Shen

Japanese knotweed, root

Rad. scrophulariae ningpoensis
