043 - Shy doe (Shi Wei Wen Dan Tang)

Category: digestion, breathing, psyche, nerves, insomnia, fatigue, detox, liver system, heart system.

Use of the recipe according to traditional Chinese medicine:

-strengthens the psychological aspects of the Gallbladder (decisiveness) and Heart Xin (mind and personality)

-soothes the spirit of Shen

-transforms mucus


The recipe, which according to Chinese medicine transforms phlegm in its action and calms the heart, is one of the most commonly used mixtures to support the psyche today. Historically, it was compiled in 1602 for people who get uncomfortably agitated every time they encounter a new situation or circumstance (deficiency of the gallbladder, which normally secures our courage and supports decision making). At the same time, the heart - the soul of Shen - is also weakened, because if it were strong enough, we would not be discouraged at a critical moment and would have no problem making a decision.

The condition manifests itself in inner restlessness, irritability, palpitations, slight swelling of the limbs and usually reduced appetite. These people experience similar conditions whenever they try to resolve something (gallbladder insufficiency) and quickly lose courage in the face of any difficulties. In the long term, there may also be constipation, pressure in the chest and epigastrium, and just from this the lack of appetite, as well as the feeling to retch or vomit. They tend to be tired, and often experience spontaneous sweating.

Ginseng will replenish the energy of both organs, and rehmannia and jujube prickly will nourish the spirit with blood. All these herbs, together with clanopraska, polygala, Chinese jujube and turmeric, enable the mind and emotions to be properly adjusted. Er Chen Tang, the basic phlegm transformation formula included in the recipe, along with polygala and turmeric, will in turn bring us back to clear judgment. Ginseng, polygal and poria help restore the right order.

The blend is very safe and harmonising, so it is also used with babies, especially those who suffer from fear and anxiety not only about new circumstances, situations, collectives, but also, for example, fear of the dark or night terrors.


-shyness, shyness

-lack of courage


-feelings of insecurity and fear

-inner turmoil

-heart palpitations with anxiety


-trouble sleeping

-scary dreams

-lack of appetite

-feeling sick or vomiting



-chest fullness

-shortness of breath and shortness of breath

-fatigue and exhaustion

-spontaneous sweating

Modern Uses:

-palpitations with anxiety

-depressive tuning and depression

-nightmares and frightening dreams


-pale with varying degrees of greasy or moist white coating


-chen and xian (deep and tense)

-xian and hua (tense and slippery)


-are not known

-mild harmonising blend suitable for children


It takes time to achieve its effect, it does not act immediately after the first administration. The effects usually appear within one month, for stabilization of the condition it is recommended to administer over a period of months.

Prescription Ingredients:





Sheng Shai

Ren Shen

Ginseng, root

Rad. ginseng

Zhi Shi

bitter lemon tree, unripe fruit

Fruc. aurantii immaturus


Suan Zao Ren

spiny jujube

Sem. ziziphi spinosae

Bei Sheng

Wu Wei Zi

Chinese knapweed, fruit

Fruc. schisandrae


Yuan Zhi

polygal, root

Rad. polygalae tenuifoliae


Ban Xia

trifoliate pinellas, rhizome

Rhiz. pinelliae

Chen Pi

Mandarin, fruit bark

Per. citri reticulatae

Fu Ling

poria coconut, sclerotium

Skler. poriae


Di Huang

sticky rehmannia, modified root

Rad. rehmaniae preparata


Gan Cao

licorice, root

Rad. glycyrrhizae

Sheng Jiang

Ginger, rhizome

Rhiz. zingiberis recens

Da Zao