049 - Grandfather's Memories (Xiao Yi Qi Er Gui Tang)

Category:Psyche, nerves, insomnia, metabolism, Heart and blood vessels, prevention, anti-aging, Liver system, Heart system.

Use of the recipe according to traditional Chinese medicine:

-transforms and removes mucus

-relieves blood blockages and revives the blood

-calms the soul Shen

-opens the pure orifices of the Heart and nourishes the Heart

-replenishes Qi and Blood


As we age, the tendency for blockages in our body increases. Vital substances are less, organs are weakened, metabolism is not as efficient and mucus builds up. The combination of these factors will also cause a lack of nourishment of the emperor - the heart, which is in charge of our spirit Shen - personality, perception, understanding and memory. Imagine that he has little energy, he is living, and on top of that he cannot see through the windows through which he sees and learns about the world. He is prevented from doing so by various types of blockages, but most of all by mucus. In its most extreme stage, these tendencies will manifest themselves in Alzheimer's disease or old-age dementia. In Alzheimer's patients, there is a problem with short-term memory at the beginning of the disease, then with long-term memory, and finally only the subconscious part of the mind functions.

The recipe will calm the emperor by giving him energy and nourishment (Qi and blood), the herbs transforming and draining phlegm and opening the "clear openings" - the senses and speech will clear the windows (the famous combination of Pushchvorca, Polygala and Turmeric together with the "two lodged" - Mandarin and Pinelily) and the herbs stirring the Qi and blood will give it dynamism and restore the proper cycle of vital substances.

And the confused grandfather will get his memories back...


-memory loss


-temporal or local disorientation

-mood swings

-deteriorating rational judgment

-difficulty performing normal activities

-putting things in the wrong place

-loss of initiative

-personality changes

-speech problem

-shuffling gait

-inability to recognize people or things

Modern Uses:

-alzheimer's disease

-old-age dementia



-often dry

-red to purple with little or no coating


-often xian (tense)


-are not known


The mixture must be taken long term as it is a developing condition over a long period of time. It is recommended to take for at least 2-3 months to see changes for the better. Also, easing the progression of the disease and stabilization or any improvement in the condition is important for the patient.

Prescription ingredients:

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Chai Hu

Chinese knotweed, marigold

Rad. bupleuri

Sheng Shai

Ren Shen

Ginseng, root

Rad. ginseng


Huang Qi

valerian, root

Rad. astragali


Suan Zao Ren

jujube, seed

Sem. ziziphi spinosae

Dang Gui Wei

Chinese angelica, terminal part of root

Rad. extremas angelicae sinensis


Chuan Xiong

Wallich's dill, rhizome

Rhiz. ligustici

Shi Chang Pu

grass-leaved gentian, rhizome

Rhiz. acori


Yuan Zhi

polygal, root

Rad. polygalae tenuifoliae

Yu Jin

turmeric, spherical rhizome

Rhiz. curcumae

Chen Pi

Mandarin, bark

Peri. citri


Dan Shen

Red-rooted sage, root

Rad. salviae


Ban Xia

trifoliate pinellia, rhizome

Rhiz. pinelliae