057 - Midnight Calm (Te Xiao Zao Ren An Mian Wan)

Category:Gynecology, psyche, nerves, insomnia, metabolism, Liver system, Heart system.

Use of the recipe according to traditional Chinese medicine:

-Nourishes the Blood/Yin Heart and Liver

-soothes the spirit of Shen and Hun

-cools the heat

-removes irritability

-harmonizes the psyche


What ensures sufficient quality and long sleep? In order to sleep beautifully and not wake up at night, we must have two organs and their "souls" in order in the first place. The Heart, the Emperor, and his soul Shen, but also the Liver and the soul Hun. What they need is nourishment and peace. The Shen soul is our personality, our long-term memory. It evaluates everything we come into contact with during our lives. The Hun soul resides in the eyes during the day, learns about the world and conveys information to the Shen. At night both souls rest, they are said to "bathe in blood". When there is little blood in the pool, they can't dive in and are restless. The Hun flies away and we dream a lot, often very wild dreams. And how they are not calm - anything bothers them: the slightest sound, light, even our dreams... Moreover, if there is little blood, stagnation occurs and heat is generated. And that makes insomnia worse. It bothers Shen's soul, which is restless. We're nervous, irritable, hard to calm down for sleep. A great deficiency of blood can also turn into a deficiency of Yin, and the whole body is also bothered by symptoms of empty heat.

Te Xiao Zao Ren An Mian Wan first of all replenishes the blood of the Heart and Liver, thus not only supplying fuel but also "drowning the fire", especially the empty one, to which the cooling anemia contributes. The third component of the blend is herbs that further soothe, including anchoring amber and yarrow.

The blend does not only work for sleep problems, but is generally soothing for conditions such as hypertension from lack of blood and Yin. It also promotes a positive mood and harmonizes our psyche.



-interrupted sleep and abundant dreams

-heart palpitations

-fears, anxieties

-irritability, nervousness, inner restlessness

-headaches, dizziness

-high blood pressure


-night sweats, hot flashes

-heat of three hearts (chest and palms), sometimes five hearts (+ soles of feet) in the evening and at night

-dry mouth, especially in the evening and at night

Modern Uses:




-menopausal problems





-may be red tip or edges





-not known


To enhance the effect, add honey with reishi and jujube, one teaspoon each night to further enhance the nourishing and soothing effect of the formula.

Recipe Ingredients:

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Suan Zao Ren

jujube, seed

Sem. ziziphi spinosae

Gou Teng

spicebush, terminal twigs

Ram. cum uncis uncariae


Zhi Mu

Anemarhena asphodelliformis, rhizome

Rhiz. anemarrhenae


Dan Shen

Red-rooted sage, root

Rad. salviae


Yuan Zhi

Polygal, root

Rad. polygalae tenuifoliae


He Shou Wu

Polyglandular ryegrass, root tuber

Rad. polygoni multiflori

Hu Po

Chinese ambergris


Bai Zi Ren

Eastern Zerowort, seed

Sem. biotae orientalis


Wu Wei Zi

Chinese knapweed, fruit

Fruc. schisandrae