064 - Emperor's Treasure (Rou Fu Bao Yuan Tang)

Category:Psyche, nerves, insomnia, fatigue, metabolism, Heart and blood vessels, Kidney system, Spleen system, Heart system.

Use of the recipe according to traditional Chinese medicine:

-replenishes Heart Qi

-replenishes and warms Yang Heart

-replenishes the Kidneys, especially their Yang

-replenishes the Qi of the Spleen and Stomach, expels cold, warms the Yang of the Spleen

-gets the blood moving, breaks blood blockages

-calms the spirit of Shen


A traditional blend from the 16th century originally intended for Emperor-Heart deficiencies in Qi and Yang, as well as for combined Yang deficiencies in the Upper Radiant, Heart and Lung, or Spleen. What does Yang do? Yang is movement, dynamism, warmth - exactly the attributes of the Heart, the most Yang organ in the body. Throughout life it tirelessly pumps and supplies blood with oxygen and nutrients to the entire body, right down to the smallest hairs on the fingertips... What incredible energy and endurance! The heart also, according to Chinese medicine, "controls the blood vessels" and also "colours the blood red" with its Yang. It is therefore in charge of the entire blood circulation. The Yang Heart - the imperial fire from above oversees the flow of vital substances throughout the body.

There are many factors that can adversely affect its function: general exhaustion (lack of Qi and/or blood after illness or major blood loss), stagnation of Qi, often caused by emotions (excessive desire, resentment, sadness or guilt, but also excessive joy), coldness externally (from the environment and weather) or internally - from lack of warming ministerial fire in the Kidneys. This causes the Qi and blood to not flow as it should and stagnations and blockages are formed, manifesting a whole spectrum of cardiovascular diseases. All of these causes our formula is able to influence - it replenishes Qi and dynamically the blood, warms the Yang of all the vital organs, while also balancing this by replenishing the correct Yin and fluids to prevent overheating, disperses stagnations and blockages in the blood, thus regulating the correct circulation of all vital substances. In the parlance of modern medicine, we would say that it "tonifies" the Heart and circulation, thus becoming the ideal solution for Heart and Vascular diseases.

The mixture also calms the spirit of Shen - by nourishing and dispersing blockages in the blood. It thus becomes ideal for psychological and neurological problems with cold symptoms, such as certain types of depression, anxiety, insomnia and reading disorders. For example, even in conditions after Covid disease, in which there is a known tendency for blood blockages, and after high fevers with the use of suppressive anti-inflammatory drugs (antibiotics, antipyretics, etc.), Yang may be weakened.


-cold extremities and/or chills

-fear of cold

-easy fatigability

-fatigue to exhaustion

-exertional shortness of breath

-shallow breathing

-palpitations Heart palpitations aggravated by exertion


-bluish lips

-cold sweat

-chest sweating

-chest pressure

-silent soliloquy

-fluid accumulation


Modern effects:

-weakening of cardiac and cardiovascular functions

-cardiovascular disease



-pale with bluish tinge




-jie dai /jietaj/ - slow, deep, especially with collapse irregular pulse, lost


-images of excess

-dominating heat!!!


Caution - in order to administer this mixture, a cold must be present and dominant in the body.

Recipe ingredients:

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Fu Zi

Carmichael's honeysuckle, lateral root

Rad. lateralis aconiti preparata


Huang Qi

goatgrass, root

Rad. astragali

Gui Zhi

Chinese cinnamon tree, twig

Ram. cinnamomi


Gan Cao

Licorice, root

Rad. glycyrrhizae

Sheng Shai

Ren Shen

Ginseng, root

Rad. ginseng

Dang Gui

Chinese angelica, root

Rad. angelicae sinensis

Chi Shao

Peony, white-flowered, root

Rad. paeoniae rubra


Dan Shen

Red-root sage, root

Rad. salviae

Mai Men Dong

ofiopogon japonica, root

Rad. ophiopogonis


Wu Wei Zi Bei

Chinese klanoprache, fruit

Fruc. schisandrae


Di Huang

sticky rehmannia, untreated root

Rad. rehmaniae preparata