080 - Yellow Dragon

Category:Digestion, respiration, gynecology, senses, acute infestation, hidden pathogen, urology, skin, lung system.

Use of recipe according to traditional Chinese medicine:

-purifies heat

-removes fire and fire toxin

-clears the wind

-relaxes and cleanses the bowels

-benefits the eyes


A modern mixture created in the 20th century used in various modifications to remove heat and fire toxin accumulations from all three radiators, especially the upper one. These may manifest as fever, expanding headache and/or sore throat, e.g. in tonsillitis and other acute inflammations. It is also used to treat inflamed red eyes, barley grain (contains chrysanthemum and drumstick), inflammation in the ear or sinus area, where the combination of: Dahurian angelica, drumstick and shanta works well. The formula is also great for managing infections in wounds and sores manifesting as redness and pain, or pus formation - thanks to the presence of coneflower, coptis, gardenia and rhubarb, the blend is naturally antibacterial and can treat the all-important sources of heat and fire toxin - managing inflammation in all locations, preferably in the upper body.

It also deals very well with conditions where there is a build-up of heat in the compartment called the Yang Ming (it contains Gypsum - the most effective drug for clearing it), which includes the Stomach and Colon pathways. Therefore, it is also very effective in dealing with manifestations such as aphthae in the mouth, inflamed and swollen gums, nosebleeds, inflammation of the Stomach and heat in the Colon manifesting as constipation.

The mixture is also used to treat latent heat - hidden harmfulness, especially in the Yang Ming section. This may manifest itself by the appearance of any of the above symptoms in full force in "acute flare-ups" and randomly, often with a feeling of fatigue and exhaustion in between.


-inflammations in various localizations

-febrile diseases

-redness of the eyes


-hot splitting headaches, dizziness

-restlessness, irritability

-gingivitis and bleeding gums


-otitis media

-yellow to yellow-green rhinitis in sinusitis


-red, swollen and festering wounds and ulcers


-inflammation of the urinary tract

-burning during urination


-hidden latent heat

Modern Uses:

-febrile diseases


-hordeolum - barley grain



-pneumonia - inflammation of the lungs

-inflammation of the urinary tract

-acute candidiasis (yeast infection)


-red with yellow coating





-absence of hot symptoms!

-it is a recipe very cold by nature, if the heat and fiery toxin were not in the body, it could cause injury to the Spleen and diarrhea

-is needed not to exceed the recommended dosage

-caution is also needed in pregnancy


Use until resolution or significant change in symptoms of heat (combination of heat, redness, swelling, soreness, or suppuration).

Recipe ingredients:

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Huang Lian

Chinese coptis, rhizome

Rhiz. coptidis


Huang Qin

Baikal coneflower, root

Rad. scutellariae


Zhi Zi

gardenia jasmine, fruit

Fruc. gardeniae


Jing Jie

Schizonepta fine-leaved, stem

Herb. schizonepetae

Bo He

matá, leaf

Fol. menthae


Lian Qiao

goldenrod, fruit

Fruc. forsythiae

Ju Hua

goldenrod, flower

Flos chrysanthemi morifolii

Xuan Shen

Japanese buckthorn, root

Rad. scrophulariae ningpoensis


Da Huang

rhubarb, root

Rhei rhizoma et rad.

Bai Zhi

Dahurian angelica, root

Rad. angelicae dahuricae

Man Jing Zi