081 - Golden Vein (Hua Zhi Pian)


Use of recipe according to traditional Chinese medicine:

-breaks blood blockages and gets the blood moving, so stops pain

-stops bleeding

-loosens stubbornness

-removes swelling and itching

-moves Qi


A modern blend that has been directly formulated to treat hemorrhoids. It affects all their unpleasant symptoms such as pain, bleeding, inflammation in the area, swelling and very unpleasant itching.

For various reasons, stagnations and blockages occur in the rectal area - a prolonged tendency to constipation or, on the contrary, frequent, rather mushy stools and pregnancy tend to be the most common ones. In addition, the vascular wall can be weakened, either congenitally (hemorrhoids are often "hereditary") or by a weakened spleen. The spleen does not hold the tissue in place, which can lead to prolapse, and it does not hold the blood in the blood vessels, resulting in haemorrhoids, which can bother us to varying degrees, for example by bleeding. The mixture cannot remove them - it is already a structural change, but it can soothe them so much that we do not 'know' about them. All the above-mentioned problems subside and the hard chair ceases to bother us.


-hemorrhoids - pain





Modern Uses:



-as per current status


-as of current status


-use with caution during pregnancy, rather after consultation with a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner


Increased hygiene in the rectal area is necessary with washing after each stool.

Recipe Ingredients:

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Di Yu

raven toten, root

Radix sanguisarbae

Huai Hua

Japanese cranesbill, bud

Flos sophorae japonicae



Di Huang

sticky rehmannia, untreated root

Rad. rehmaniae preparata


Huang Qin

Baikal coneflower, root

Rad. scutellariae

Zi Cao

dwarf prophetess

Rad. arnebiae seu lithospermi

Chen Pi

mandarin, fruit bark

Per. citri reticulatae

Ku Shen

Yellow cranesbill, root

Rad. sophorae flavescentis


Sheng Ma

stinking skunk, root

Rad. cimicifugae

Huai Jiao

Herba pteris

Chi Shao

Peony, white-flowered, root

Rad. paeoniae rubra

Ce Bai Ye

eastern zerav

Cacumen platycladi