089 - Droning Metal (Bai He Gu Jin Tang)

Category:Breathing, acute infestation, hidden pathogen, oncology, detox, Lung system

Using the recipe according to traditional Chinese medicine:

-nourishes Yin Plic and supports Yin Kidney

-moistens the Lungs

-clears empty heat from Yin deficiency

-transforms phlegm


-dry irritating cough, acute or chronic

-cough after febrile illness or in chronic diseases

-dry cough without mucus or with clinging, mucousy mucus

-smoker's cough from Yin deficiency

-cough after radiation in the face, neck and chest area

-coughing up mucus with veins of blood

-feeling of dryness or scratching in the throat


-worsening of symptoms in a dry environment

-hotness of three or five hearts (chest + palms of hands, possibly also soles of feet)

-night sweats on the chest

-feeling of 'steaming' bones


Modern effects:


-chronic bronchitis





-pulmonary tuberculosis


-tumours of the lung

-cor pulmonale

-diabetes mellitus


Bai He Gu Jin Tang is a formula that has been used very successfully to nourish the Yin Lung when it is deficient, possibly with symptoms of empty heat/fire, which will manifest as a dry cough with no or little mucus, which may have veins of blood in it (when the fire of emptiness "burns" the luo-clutch). The mixture also simultaneously supports the root of the Yin lice in the body - Yin Kidney. For this reason, it is the most famous recipe for the treatment of acute and chronic dry cough, historically it was also used very successfully for the treatment of tuberculosis (you will remember its Czech name "souchotě")... Today it is most often used for dry cough after a feverish illness, inflammation in the respiratory tract or in chronic diseases. It also has applications in smoking, which excessively heats and dries the lungs, similar to radiation in cancer treatment in the face, neck and chest area.

The lungs don't like dryness... they're said to be "afraid" of it. So to keep them functioning properly, we need to keep them adequately moisturized. Only then will their mucous membranes regenerate quickly, they will stop being irritated and the cough will stop. The herbs that primarily moisten and clear the empty heat are lily of the valley (after which the mixture is named in the original), untreated rehmannia and ofiopogon. Yarrow and cress also moisten, clear the heat and transform the mucus. Modified rehmannia, angelica and peony replenish blood and Yin. Platycodon directs the action of the mixture into the chest, relaxes the Lungs, restores their dispersing function, transforms the phlegm and also benefits the throat, similar to Licorice. It is this complexity that makes the mixture so effective for dry irritating coughs.


-red (especially the front 1/3 of it)

-without or with a small amount of dry coating

-may be cracked or have some dry patches



-Ru, event. Shu (fine, fuzzy, possibly fast)


-mixture is not intended for patients with productive coughs with large amounts of mucus

-caution must be used by patients with Spleen deficiency, i.e. weak digestion manifested by mushy stools, bloating and abdominal pain, etc., as the mixture contains large amounts of herbs that are harder to digest


Caution, the mixture is not intended for dry irritating cough in the early stages of the disease, when the organism is dominated by the noxious matter, i.e. excess and not deficiency. For acute dry pest infestation we have other formulas containing herbs to control the external pathogen - this blend does not contain them.

Recipe ingredients:

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Bai He

Brown's lily, onion

Bulb. lilii brownii


Di Huang

rehmannia sticky, untreated root

Rad. rehmaniae preparata


Di Huang

Rhumania sticky, prepared root

Rad. rehmaniae preparata

Mai Men Dong

ofiopogon japonica, root

Rad. ophiopogonis

Xuan Shen

Japanese knotweed, root

Rad. scrophulariae ningpoensis

Chuan Bei Mu

Thunberg's yarrow - onion

Bulb. fritillariae cirrhosae

Jie Geng

Platycodon major, root

Rad. platycodi

Dang Gui

Chinese angelica, root

Rad. angelicae sinensis


Bai Shao

Milkweed, root

Rad. paeoniae alba


Gan Cao

Licorice, root

Rad. glycyrrhizae