097 - Stout Bamboo (Zhuang Gu Xiao Ci Pian)

Category:Musculoskeletal system, joints, metabolism, prevention, anti-aging, Kidney system, pain relief

Use of the recipe according to traditional Chinese medicine:

-strengthens the Kidneys in all components - Yang , Yin and Jing essence.

-strengthens bones and tendons

-replenishes and moves the blood

-clears pathways and connectors


A modern 20th century blend that is aimed at supporting the tissues of the musculoskeletal system, especially the bones, but also the tendons. A disease that afflicts patients, especially older women, is osteoporosis. It is also popularly known as 'thinning of the bones'. And indeed - bone microstructures degenerate and bone density decreases. At the beginning, the disease may not have any obvious symptoms, but the risk of fractures increases significantly. All it takes is a slightly increased load on the bone or poor movement - and the bone breaks. When the disease becomes more significant, it starts to hurt. Unpleasant pain in the back and in various other localisations becomes a daily reality. The spine seems to "break", and compression fractures of the vertebrae can occur. The woman "shrinks" and the spine and the whole figure becomes deformed, a hump may appear. Usually it is not only helpful to increase dietary calcium intake or to reimburse vitamin D, sufficient exercise is also important. The woman should also be monitored and the condition of the bones carefully monitored.

According to Chinese medicine, the Kidneys are responsible for the quality of the bones, and because the bones are hard - especially their Yang (that is why six out of ten herbs in the mixture have the ability to replenish it). But bones need to be not only strong, but also flexible. This is where nutrition - the Yin component of the Kidneys - plays an important role. This is made up of Kidney Yin and Life Essence Jing, the quality of which, for example, has a profound effect on our fertility and lifespan (in our blend, it is supported by herbs that replenish blood, Yin and the essence itself). Strong Kidneys then provide the bones with sufficient nutrients.

However, with age, the levels of essence and other components gradually begin to weaken. As it decreases, so do the bones. Therefore, if we want strong bones, we need to strengthen the Kidneys over the long term. In Far Eastern countries, this approach is firmly embedded in the culture, and after the age of 40, herbs to support the Kidneys are used by virtually everyone who cares about health. Chinese medicine says that there is a narrow path to the Kidneys. Therefore, it is enough to give us even lower doses of herbs, but given in the right proportion and for a long time. The treatment is safe and carries no side effects.
Most importantly, you will be able to run and play sports for many years without fear of injury, even with your grandchildren...


-easy bone breakage, frequent fractures

-severe back pain

-gradual loss of body height (up to 20 cm)

-development of a round back and the formation of a hump

-reduced mobility of the rib cage and spine

Modern effects:

-diagnosed osteopenia or osteoporosis, frequent fractures


-various, according to the Yin/Yang deficiency ratio


-various, depending on Yin/Yang deficiency ratio


Signs of empty or full heat/fire in the body, do not administer without treating it


Since this blend primarily supports Yang, it is a good idea to alternate it with a blend that will more fully replenish Yin. A three-month regimen is usually chosen: 1st month Yin, 2nd month Yang, 3rd month break - and from the beginning...

Recipe ingredients:

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Yin Yang Huo

cinnamon, marigold

Herb. epimedii


Bu Gu Zhi

Sem. psoraleae

Gu Sui Bu

drynaria Fortunova, rhizome

Rhiz. drynariae

Du Zhong

elm gumojilm, bark

Cort. eucommiae


Xu Duan

brush, root

Rad. dipsaci


Tu Si Zi

Chinese cockatiel, seed

Sem. cuscutae


Di Huang

sticky rehmannia, modified root

Rad. rehmaniae preparata


Bai Shao

Milkweed, root

Rad. paeoniae alba


Dan Shen

Red-rooted sage, root

Rad. salviae


Zhi Mu

anemarhena asphodendron, rhizome

Rhiz. anemarrhenae