102 - Silver Breath (Shuang Huang Lian Tang)

Categories: respiratory, acute infestation, hidden pathogen, cutaneous, lung system, immunity.

Use of recipe according to traditional Chinese medicine:

-attack by external hot wind

-clears toxic heat from the Lungs


This is a modern combination of three herbs that purify toxic heat after an external pathogen (Feng Re - wind heat) attack primarily from the surface defensive layers of Wei and Qi, but also when the pathogen penetrates deeper layers. It consists of three herbs. The fruit of goldenrod overhanging clears the heat and removes the toxin in cases where Xie Qi (pathogenic Qi) has invaded the Wei and Qi layers (surface layers). Baikal coneflower helps to expel the fire toxin from the body. It is used to clear damp heat (we could say for acute and chronic inflammation) from the body. It is also often used for skin inflammations. The third herb is the flower of Japanese Honeysuckle, which clears heat, removes toxin and is used for acute diarrhea.


-symptoms of external pathogen attack


-sore throat

-cough usually with or without yellow mucus

-inflamed wounds

-acute diarrhoea

Modern Uses:

-antiviral and antibacterial action

-anti-inflammatory effects

-acute respiratory infections

-epidemics of influenza viruses

-mild pneumonia

-acute bronchitis

-acute intestinal disease

-infectious diarrhoea




-acute enteritis

-viral dysentery

-herpes viruses


-in the early stages of infection without change

-red in the Plic area

-may be a yellow coating





-not known

Recipe Ingredients:





Jin Yin Hua

Japanese honeysuckle, flower

Flos lonicerae


Huang Qin

Baikal coneflower, root

Rad. scutellariae


Lian Qiao

goldenrod, fruit

Fruc. forsythiae