103 - Pavšehoj (San Qi)

Category:Skin, metabolism, Heart and blood vessels

Use of recipe according to traditional Chinese medicine:

-stop bleeding


A simple blend of three herbs, all of which stop bleeding - and that is the main and only use of this blend. It can be added to other tinctures that stop bleeding (e.g., Gui Pi Tang, Qing Re Zhi Beng Tang, Tao Hong Si Wu Tang Jia Wei, Gu Ben Zhi Beng Tang, DangGui Shao Yao Tang, Dao Chi San, etc.).

Pawsheba and Wormwood are warm and Zerav is cold, so the mixture is thermodynamically quite balanced and can be used as a supplementary mixture for bleeding from heat (both empty and full) and bleeding from Spleen deficiency with possible cold.

Indications and modern effects:

-signs of hemorrhage in all localizations


-different, according to the provoking condition (red in heat, paler in spleen insufficiency, swollen)


-different, depending on the triggering condition


-thrombophilic conditions (tendency to form blood clots)


Keep in mind that the mixture only addresses the "peaks" of the disease, i.e. what is "visible" - the bleeding, but not its cause. Therefore, this mixture is given as a complement to the mixtures that address the picture of the disease, i.e. its "root" - see above.

The composition of the recipe:

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San Qi

ginseng, root

Rad. pseudoginseng

Ce Bai Ye

eastern zerav

Cacumen platycladi

Ai Ye

Silver wormwood, leaf

Fol. Artemisiae argyi