114 - Moving the Center (Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang)

Category:Digestion, gynecology, sexuality, fertility, Liver system, Spleen system, pain relief

Use of the recipe according to traditional Chinese medicine:

-moves Qi and blood, breaks blood blockages

-softens the Liver

-relaxes and soothes pain

-disperses the "masses" in the abdominal cavity (under the diaphragm)


In 1830, Wang Qing-Ren published a groundbreaking work, Corrections to the Errors of Medical Circles, in which he listed many important recipes for treating so-called "blood blockages" in various parts of the body. Widely used are, for example, Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang for blockages in the lower abdomen caused by cold, Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang for blockages in the upper radiant, especially in the heart and vascular system in general, and Shen Tong Zhu Yu Tang for painful joint syndromes, called Bi Zheng.

This formula - Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang is for the treatment of blood blockages below the diaphragm - especially in the middle radiator (Liver or Spleen). The primary manifestation is an expanding or palpation tenderness in the lower back, epigastrium or abdomen, e.g. in hepatomegaly

and splenomegaly (excessive enlargement of the liver and spleen). Among Western diagnoses, this corresponds to acute and chronic inflammation of the liver (hepatitis), liver cirrhosis, pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) or enlargement of the Spleen in response to various infections, etc. Because the mixture can affect the "masses under the diaphragm" in general, it is also successfully used in the treatment of uterine fibroids or painful menstruation with the passing of clots. Typical of the use of Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang is that both the masses and the pain are "fixed", precisely bound to a given location.

It is a blend where the basic pair for stirring up the blood throughout the body ("above and below, on the surface and inside"), plum seed and safflower flower, are joined by other herbs acting "below the diaphragm", in the area of the internal organs, both for the circulation of blood and Qi, as well as herbs to cool the heat that arises from stagnation. Thus the recipe not only soothes pain, but also reduces abdominal masses and calms inflammation. This is why it is so effective and often used in the indications mentioned.


-palpable masses in the lower ribs, epigastrium or abdomen

-fixed, sharp, stabbing or expanding pain there, aggravated by pressure

-digestive disorders

-constipation or chronic diarrhoea

-vomiting blood or blood in the stool

-menstrual cessation

-irregular menstruation

-painful menstruation

-painful Beng Lou (strong onset, stopping and spotting after menstruation)

Modern Uses:

-acute and chronic hepatitis

-cirrhosis of the liver

-hemangioma of the liver

-cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder)


-inflammation in the small pelvis

-dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation)

-amenorrhea (cessation of menstruation)


-ectopic pregnancy

-prostatic hypertrophy

-chronic colitis (inflammation of the colon)

-ulcer disease of the stomach and duodenum

-tumours of the liver, uterus and thyroid gland

-pleural adhesions (pleural adhesions)


-to nachova

-purple dots on the sides




-hua (stringy, contracted, slippery)


Contraindicated in pregnancy!

Caution when administered during menstruation or in patients with blood thinning (e.g., on Warfarin) -

Only under the supervision of an experienced TCM practitioner.


The most effective mixture for fixed pain and abdominal masses below the diaphragm.

The composition of the recipe:

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Tao Ren

plum, seed

Sem. persicae

Hong Hua

safflower, flower

Flo. carthami tinctorii


Chuan Xiong

Wallich's dill, rhizome

Rhiz. ligustici

Dang Gui

Chinese angelica, root

Rad. angelicae sinensis

Chi Shao

Peony, white-flowered, root

Rad. paeoniae rubra

Mu Dan Pi

Peony, semi-shrubby, root bark

Cort. moutan radicis


Zhi Ke

bigaradia, fruit

Fruc. aurantii

Wu Yao

Rad. Linderae

Xiang Fu

Shahor tuber, rhizome

Rhiz. cyperi

Wu Ling Zhi

mountain buttercup

Excrementum trogopteri seu pteromi

Yan Hu Suo
