Mon-Fri 7:00-15:00
It is one of the most famous representatives of the fungi kingdom. Although you can't make a stir-fry out of it, you can use it as a great partner for your vitality. The Cordyceps mushroom has been used by European and Asian medicine for hundreds of years. The European one, it is true, recognised the effects of the Chinese caterpillar much later, but the ancient yak herders on the plateaus of Tibet could talk for hours about its wondrous effects. And they wouldn't tire of it...
The fungus called the Chinese caterpillar is an extraordinary and wondrous creature. Originally a mushroom, originally a butterfly, a strange looking twisted pepper. It doesn't look much like a mushroom as we know it. But what can it remind us of? That humans and fungi are much closer genetically than, say, humans and the most beautiful flower in a botanical garden. We're an astonishing 30 percent or more genetically related. Maybe that's why mushrooms have such a powerful effect on us, maybe that's why they are so successful where many medicinal herbs fall short.