
Psychosomatic disorders


Digestion, gynecology, sexuality, infertility, psyche, nerves, insomnia, fatigue, senses, metabolism, heart and blood vessels, prevention, anti-aging, Liver system, Spleen system, Heart system

Recipe use according to traditional Chinese medicine:


MycoSomat is a harmonizing blend designed for psychological imbalances related to the high stress load of today's times. It helps to relieve long-term stress and is particularly effective in the case of so-called psychosomatic diseases.

The high work pace places demands on nutrition and blood. Unmanaged stress leads to distress at the level of the liver. Gradually, the blockage of the Liver is transmitted to other parts of the body to create further distress at the physical and psychological level. We call this the somatization of stress. This is how psychosomatic imbalances arise, where the trigger for physical problems is the psyche and stress. This includes both digestive disorders, painful blockages variously throughout the body, high blood pressure, migraines, menstrual problems and many others.

The blend is based on the classic Jia Wei Xiao Yao San formula designed to harmonize the Spleen and Liver. Herbs have been added to stir the blood and release tightness such as shahor, turmeric and mimosa sensitivity. These further support the vital mushrooms Reishi and Hericium, which also strengthen the Spleen and Stomach, thus promoting proper Qi and Blood production.

The blend helps to handle high workloads and distribute the strength throughout the day without major fluctuations. At the same time, it relaxes the blood circulation, which helps to calm down and sleep in the evening. our psyche to balance again and find the lost energy.

MycoSomat has a more pronounced action on blood blockages with greater manifestations of heat, sweating, gynecological and psychosomatic problems.

MycoStress is a gentle acting blend, used to relieve stresses in the stomach and chest area or a milder form of PMS.

MyStress mainly addresses psychological and digestive problems associated with stress and exhaustion.


Modern Uses:




Prescription Ingredients:






Glossy cornflower

Ganoderma lucidum


Coralline coral

Hericium erinaceus


Suan Zao Ren

Jujube, seed

Seed of ziziphi spinosae

He Huan Pi

Mimosa sensitive, bark

Cortex albizziae


Bai Shao

Milkweed, root

Rad. paeoniae alba


Chai Hu

Chinese knotweed, stem

Rad. bupleuri

Yu jin

Turmeric, spherical rhizome

Rhiz. curcumae

Xiang Fu

Shahor, tuberous rhizome

Rhiz. cyperi


Zhi Zi

Gardenia jasmine, fruit

Fruc. gardeniae

Mu Dan Pi

Peony, root bark

Cortex moutan radicis


Gan Cao

Licorice, root

Rad. glycyrrhizae