Panda syrup

Cough in children


Breathing, acute infestation, hidden pathogen, detox, systemic Lung

Using a recipe according to traditional Chinese medicine:


Panda syrup is suitable for productive coughs with phlegm and dry, unproductive coughs. This is a condition where the Lungs, instead of sending energy down, send it up.

The mixture is based on the Jiom Pei Pa Koa recipe, which is an all-round helper for respiratory problems. These occur mainly during weather changes. The lung Qi must respond to changes in temperature and humidity. Rapid changes in weather or prolonged stay in closed rooms cause drying of the Lungs and the production of hot mucus. This clogs the Lungs, which cannot let the Qi down, hence the cough with thick and discolored mucus. When there is a lot of phlegm, vomiting may occur.

The herbs in the recipe such as yarrow and mugwort transform the hot phlegm and disperse the congestion in the form of enlarged nodes or tonsils. The higher licorice content replenishes Qi, moistens the Lungs and gives the syrup a pleasant sweet taste. The other herbs in the blend moisten and promote proper Qi movement of the Lungs. We haven't forgotten the vital mushrooms and added small amounts of Reishi and Cordyceps extract.

The blend is balanced in every way. It removes mucus and stops coughing and also moistens the Lungs and supports the regeneration of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.


Modern uses:





Recipe Ingredients:






Bei Mu

Thunberg's Yarrow

Bulb. fritillarie cirrhosae


Gan Cao

Licorice, root

Rad. glycyrrhizae

Pi Pa Ye

Japanese mugwort, leaf

Fol. eriobotryae japonocae

Hua Ju Hong

Citrus maxima, peel

Exocarpium citri grandis


Yuan Zhi

Polygal, root

Rad. polygalae tenuifoliae

Jie Geng

Platycodon gigantea, root

Rad. plytycodi

Bo He

Mint, leaf

Fol. menthae

Fu Ling

Poria coconut, sclerotium

Skler. poriae

Yu Bai Fu

Typhonia major, tuber

Rhiz. typhonii

Gua Lou Pi

Kirill's cucumber, pericarp

Pericarp. trichosanthis


Chinese caterpillar

Cordyceps sinensis


Glossy cordyceps

Ganoderma lucidum

Xing Ren

Apricot, seed

Sem. armeniacae

Bei Cu

Wu Wei Zi

Chinese cane pea, fruit

Fruc. schisandare