Porn star

Latin: Poria cocos, Wolfiporia extensa

Czech: Pornatka coconova

Chinese: Fu Ling 茯苓

Japanese: Bukuryo

Thevital Pornatia mushroom is one of the most widely used herbal remedies in traditional Chinese medicine and has many uses.

This edible mushroom grows in mycorrhiza with the roots of pine trees and some other conifers. It belongs to the order Chorosa, family Chorosa. It forms long-lived underground sclerotia, resembling coconuts with a reddish-brown surface. They can be up to 30 cm in length and weigh more than 1 kg. Inside they are white, rather hard. The fungus prefers subtropical, very warm climates with higher humidity. Its homeland is eastern and south-eastern Asia. It grows abundantly in China, Japan, the southern part of the USA, Vietnam and Thailand. It can also be found in North Africa.

In China, Pornflower is mentioned as early as about 11th century BC in the Shi Jing (Book of Songs) and also in the most famous Chinese herbarium Sheng Nong Ben Cao Jing. It was believed to be a manifestation of the divine Qi of the tree, which entered it from the heavens. It is used alone or in combination with other herbs and mushrooms. It is found in blends to promote blood formation, strengthen the Spleen and Kidneys, harmonize and calm. It is also added to breads and pancakes.

Characteristics according to Traditional Chinese Medicine

Nature: balanced (neutral)

Taste: sweet, bland

Tropism: Heart, Spleen, Kidney, (some sources also mention Lung and Small Intestine)

Main effects according to Traditional Chinese Medicine:

When do we use the vital Pornflower mushroom to maintain or improve health?

1) Strengthens Spleen Qi and drains moisture


Empty Spleen Qi can manifest: Fatigue, exhaustion, lack of appetite, pallor, weight loss or weight gain, tendency to ruminate or worry, bloating, flatulence, soft or diarrheal stools, gynecological discharges, feeling tired or heavy in the limbs, constipation, swelling, nausea, vomiting, wetting, bleeding, organ drop, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, etc.

2) Corrects water

3) Strengthens the Qi of the Heart and calms the spirit of the Shen


When the Heart is insufficiently nourished, the Shen soul cannot settle and calm down. Problems such as mental restlessness, insomnia, palpitations, anxiety, mental fatigue, shortness of breath after exertion, paleness, sweating on the chest, forgetfulness, etc. arise.

4) Cough and congestion

5) Skin problems

Less frequent use of Pornatka in clinical practice:

What to remember:

Pornflower strengthens Spleen and Heart Qi and wicks away moisture. Significantly calms, improves sleep and regeneration.