071 - King's Thumb (Tong Yong Tong Feng Tang)

Category: musculoskeletal, joints, metabolism, detox, pain relief.

Use of recipe according to traditional Chinese medicine:

-stirs the blood and transforms blood blockages

-clears hotness

-removes and dries damp heat

-dissipates wind

-relieves Re Bi (hot blockages in the joints)

-clears pathways and joints


A modification of a well-known compound intended for the treatment of painful Bi syndrome (joint blockages), in our case it is intended for the treatment of gout, a specific disease that is laboratory manifested by high uric acid levels and clinically painful joint inflammation - typically in the big toe area. Modern medicine explains that inflammation occurs because uric acid crystallises and the resulting crystals are deposited in the joints, tendons and surrounding tissues. But why in the toe area? Chinese medicine can explain that. These crystals and the inflammatory reaction of the tissues to them represent the so-called damp heat, a pathology that is tied either to the Liver and Gallbladder (mostly through emotional stagnation) or to the Spleen (dietary habits - excess of meat, alcohol, sharp and fatty foods in the diet). It acts as a "glue" that does not allow the vital substances to flow freely, they stagnate, a hot to fiery toxin is produced, and a violent inflammation develops (hotness, redness, swelling, pain and malfunction). This is also why we speak of a "gout attack". But why in the thumb? Right there, at the root of the thumb, on its inner and outer sides, are the warp points of the pathways associated with the production of damp heat: the Liver and Spleen pathways. And it is also this joint that is most stressed when walking.

The Tong Yong Tong Feng Tang blend clears the moist heat of the main meridians as well as the minor side branches. Our modification, which contains rainberry and honeysuckle stems, can enter the smallest joints, perfectly clearing and clearing them. This is aided by the oldenlandia nasturtium clearing the heat and fire toxin and soothing the inflammation. Together with the dill and notopterygium, they also stop the pain. Other herbs address the cause - they cleanse and remove damp heat. Thus, the mixture affects not only the acute symptoms but also the cause why they occur, making it an ideal solution to manage these unpleasant conditions.


-sharp stabbing pain mainly in the joint of the big toe

-local heat and redness

-swelling in the area

-general feeling of hotness, tiredness, irritability

Modern effects:

-gouty arthritis

-possibly acute arthritis in another localization



thicker white-yellow to yellow coating




-jin (fast, slick, downloaded)


-Do not use during pregnancy!

-Use caution in debilitated individuals with superficial signs of deficiency (contact TCM therapist).


Gout is also referred to as "the disease of kings" or "the disease of the rich" because its important cause tends to be intemperance in meaty, fatty and spicy foods, and also in alcohol. We therefore recommend their strict restriction in treatment and, in the case of alcohol, complete abstinence until the symptoms subside. Thereafter, use in moderation. Dietetics should be directed towards the elimination of moist bitterness.

Prescription composition:






Tian Nan Xing

Rhiz. arisaematis preparata


Cang Zhu

Atractylis ovate, rhizome

Rhiz. atractilodis


Chuan Xiong

Wallich's nettle, rhizome

Rhiz. ligustici

Long Dan Cao

gentian, root

Rad. gentianae

Qiang Huo

Notopterigium notopterigium, rhizome

Rhiz. notopterygii


Ze Xie

Oriental frogweed, rhizome

Rhiz. alismatis


Huang Bai

Amur cork tree, bark

Cort. phellodendri

Tong Cao

Aralia paperwhite, pith

Medulla tetrapanacis

Bai Hua She She Cao

oldenlandia, stem

Herb. hedyotis diffusa

Di Long




Gan Cao

licorice, root

Rad. glycyrrhizae

Ren Dong Teng

Japanese honeysuckle, stem

Caulis lonicerae