101 - The Fast Bird (Wu Zi Yan Zhong Wan)

Categories: gynecology, sexuality, fertility, psyche, nerves, insomnia, senses, musculoskeletal system, joints, fatigue, urology, prevention, anti-aging, liver system, kidney system.

Use of the recipe according to traditional Chinese medicine:

-supplements the Kidneys in all aspects

-benefits and prevents the leakage of the life essence of Jing

-strengthens the Kidney Yang

-nourishes blood and Yin

-benefits the eyes


A classic 16th century blend used in men for deficiencies of Kidney Qi, Yang and Life Essence Jing, which is energetically stored in the Kidneys. This often causes general weakness, increased fatigue, sexual dysfunction or even impotence. Premature seminal discharge, dripping of urine after urination may occur. Male infertility is a frequent problem (infertility of a couple is about 40% of the cases on the man). It is in the spermiogram that various pathologies are found, from a reduced number of sperm, through disorders of their motility to morphological changes (shape, size, etc.). In infertility, the mixture has the ability to support both problems from a lack of Jing essence and from weakness of Yang (this corresponds to its Chinese name - Five Seeds to Increase Quantity/Family). Often men with this picture also experience weakness and pain in the hips and knees.

The mixture can also be used as a general tonic - to promote vitality in older men, for chronic prostatitis with Kidney insufficiency or chronic Kidney disease.

The imperial herbs in the blend are Custody and Cocotte, which together support all aspects of the Kidneys: their Yang, Yin and Jing essence. The other herbs then further support this effect. Four of the five seeds also have a positive effect on eyesight.

It is therefore a great blend that supports male strength and vitality in all aspects, and can therefore be classified as an anti-aging blend. For effective action we recommend to use it for a long time.


-fertility problem in men

-spermiogram abnormalities

-weak erection, reduced sexual desire, impotence

-premature ejaculation

-frequent urination

-dripping urine

-weakness in the hips or knees

-fatigue and impaired memory, especially after ejaculation

-decreased vitality and/or general weakness

-depressed mood

Modern Uses:

-poor spermiogram values

-sexual dysfunction


-chronic prostatitis (not in the acute phase of inflammation!)

-uterine hypoplasia

-hepatoprotective effect



-eventually paler and swollen



-event. chen

-ruo (deep, weak)


-not to administer in acute infections or external infestations (colds, flu, etc.).

-not to be administered in case of signs of damp heat (red tongue with thick yellow coating, rapid pulse)


In modern research it has been shown to be useful in developmental defects of the uterus and its hepatoprotective (Liver protecting) effect is interesting.

Recipe Ingredients:





Gou Qi Zi

Chinese currant, fruit

Fruc. lycii


Tu Si Zi

Chinese cocklebur, seed

Sem. cuscutae

Fu Pen Zi

Blackberry, fruit

Fruc. rubi


Wu Wei Zi

Chinese knapweed, fruit

Fruc. schisandrae

Che Qian Zi

plantain, seed

Sem. plantaginis