The flu. How to manage it and successfully cure yourself?

Autumn is here, a season that sooner or later takes its toll on each of us in the form of flu and colds. What to do about it? We can believe that vaccination will help us, or we can work hard to strengthen our immunity, or at least take care not to get over the flu and properly recover from it.

There is no flu like the flu. Sometimes it gradually draws attention to itself with warning signs, sometimes it comes like a bolt from the blue, without cause - without a cold, a blowout, just from hour to hour a person full of energy and optimism becomes a walking phantom. The body gets heavy, the muscles and head start to ache, and the temperature shoots up sharply. Cold-hearted individuals start to feel more coldness in the extremities and after a few hours the aforementioned temperature and headaches or body aches are added.

A common initial symptom of the flu is a burning sensation or pain in the nasopharynx and reddened tonsils. Sometimes a cough or a thick runny nose is added.

The first step, which should definitely not be underestimated or neglected, is to drop everything, lie down, get proper rest and finish whatever you haven't done lately. The flu only affects a weakened and exhausted organism, especially if it is often under stress.


The flu goes through four layers

According to TCM, the flu is the so-called hot wind (Feng Re). It enters the body through the nose and mouth, dries out the mucous membranes and attacks the Lungs. When the Qi energy of the Lungs overheats, the heat is transferred into the blood, and because the heat tends to rise, a headache occurs. When the Spleen is much weakened, in addition to the dampness, the heat spills over into the muscles, causing heaviness and pain in the muscles and joints.

The principle treatment of influenza is to clear the heat, ideally by the surface of the body and by urination. Or you need to drink enough and sweat. If you can do this at the first sign of illness, chances are you will be much better the next day.

The progression of hot wind through the layers of the body

According to Chinese medicine, our body has four layers through which the pollutant must gradually pass in order to get deep into our body.

The first layer is the layer of defense (Wei Fen). It is easy to remove the heat from the defense layer. You can use a mixture of Yin Qiao San (Tiger Drink) which removes the hot wind, relaxes the surface and removes irritation. It can be used for mild fever, sweating, sore throat, muscle and head pain, mild cold and cough. Tiger syrup is preferable for children under 5 years of age .

If you neglect the first warning, the heat will reach the second layer and that is the Qi layer (Qi Fen). Here there is a significant "struggle" between the proper and harmful Qi energy.

For symptoms such as hot breath, fever, and at the same time aversion to the cold, plus pain in the muscles, joints, head, in short, the whole body, one should promptly reach for the Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang (Burning Bush) mixture . This mixture "loosens the flesh" or muscles and relieves the pain.

When the heat is not vented through the surface, high fever, heavy sweating, intense thirst, and a strong/rapid pulse will often occur. These "four great symptoms" are reliably eliminated by the Bai Hu Tang (Four Great) mixture, which cools the fire and protects the body fluids.

This is where most of us begin to turn the battle with the flu to our advantage and work towards a successful recovery. If not, however, the malady would continue to progress to the remaining two layers: the nourishment layer (Ying Fen) and the blood layer (Xue Fen). The symptoms that would follow would already require hospitalisation (red rash over the body and minor bleeding, with more bleeding, irritability to insanity in the next stage).


The Great Helper Coriolus

We often and gladly say that vital Coriolus mushroom should be part of every home medicine cabinet. It is a great help with flu in particular. It is best to reach for Coriolus or Coriolus PRO straight away at the first symptoms and take high doses up to 5x 2 capsules per day (or pure Betaglucan in the same dosage). The high content of active betaglucans and the ability of Coriol to support liver function modulates the immune response. The immune system will set a temperature that is optimal for fighting off harmful agents without compromising vital functions. Once it is no longer needed, the temperature drops and you can move on to "clearing the trigger" that the hot pollutant has built up in the body.

Both for coping with the acute phase and for "cleaning up" it is advisable to add Acerol. The vitamin C it contains clears the heat from the blood and stops the bleeding. At the same time, Acerola increases the effectiveness of vitalch fungi and improves recovery. Taking it 3 times a day after meals is not harmful.


Both for coping with the acute phase and for "cleaning up" it is advisable to add Acerol. The contained vitamin C clears the heat from the blood and stops bleeding. At the same time, Acerola increases the effectiveness of vitalch mushrooms and improves recovery. Taking it 3 times a day after meals is not harmful.


The best resources for the big clean

We could call the coughs and colds that can stick with us for the next few days after the flu is cured a big clean-up.

A combination of Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang (Burning Bush) and Shuang Huang Lian Tang (Silver Breath) blends is excellent . The former will cope with a runny nose, yellow phlegm and swollen tonsils with a sore throat. The second will take away the heat from the Lungs and remedy the cough. Together they can be used in a situation where the temperature fluctuates during the day and the body is rid of mucus.

Immunity support and regeneration

When you are completely fever-free and yellow mucus is a thing of the past, you can start to strengthen your body and promote regeneration. To be on the safe side, continue with Coriol PRO at a lower dose (e.g. 2-0-2) and add Reishi PRO. By strengthening the Lungs you will clear the terrain, relieve shortness of breath and sweating during exertion, which can be a common activity. Reishi helps improve sleep and supports the blood.

Remember, a healthy person is not only healed, but physically and mentally resilient. It does not pay to neglect this phase of strengthening, because when you have had enough, illness will find you again.