Why are vital mushrooms also suitable for autoimmune diseases?

Vital mushrooms such as Reishi, Coriolus, Maitake, Agaricus, Cordyceps and Chaga are known for their rich composition of bioactive compounds, especially polysaccharides, of which betaglucans are the most noteworthy .

These substances have the unique ability not only to stimulate the immune system, but also, conversely, to dampen its overactivity. This can be of great use in autoimmune diseases and allergies.

The following article will explain in detail the mechanisms by which vital mushrooms affect the immune system and how they help maintain a balance between its activation and desired suppression.

Beware of misleading claims

There are sometimes claims on the internet that vital mushrooms are good for stimulating the immune system when it is weakened, but that they should not be used for autoimmune reactions as they will make the condition worse. This statement is based on a misunderstanding of the situation. Not only clinical practice but also a number of studies confirm that vital mushrooms can not only stimulate immunity but also dampen it when its reaction is inappropriate and undesirable. It is this ability of mushrooms that is used in allergies and autoimmune reactions such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, autoimmune thyroiditis, etc.

Yes, there are many mechanisms that current science can clearly describe, but in our opinion there are still many mechanisms of action of vitalch fungi that have not yet been described by science.

How do beta-glucansaffect the immune system?

Polysaccharides, particularly betaglucans, are of interest to scientists because of their ability to influence different types of immune cells. These substances bind to the surface molecules of immune cells such as macrophages and neutrophils, improving their ability to engulf and destroy pathogens.

At the same time, they stimulate the production of cytokines that activate other components of the immune system, including B lymphocytes, which produce antibodies. This not only increases the body's defenses against infections, but also promotes long-term immune memory.

Studies show that adding beta-glucans to vaccines can boost the immune response and increase the effectiveness of vaccinations. This is especially crucial for people with weakened immunity, such as children or the elderly.

Betaglucans protect against excessive immune response

One of the most interesting properties of betaglucans is their ability to dampen the overactivity of the immune system. In this way, vital mushrooms can help end inflammation, which is crucial in autoimmune diseases and allergies, where the body overreacts to harmless stimuli or even its own tissues.

Inflammation is the body's natural defensive response that is necessary to fight infections and for tissue healing. However, the problem arises when inflammation is too strong or prolonged, which can lead to tissue damage. Betaglucans can modulate the immune response to prevent excessive inflammation. This effect can be seen, for example, in ulcerative colitis, where inflammation in the gut is calmed and the mucosa heals.

Vital fungi in clinical practice

Autoimmune diseases

In autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, the immune system turns against its own tissues. Betaglucans play a key role by stimulating the production of anti-inflammatory factors such as IL-10 and TGF-β, which suppress the activity of pro-inflammatory cells and cytokines. This reduces the production of autoantibodies and attenuates the inflammatory response.

One clinical trial showed that adding beta-glucans to the treatment of patients with autoimmune diseases led to a reduction in inflammatory markers and improved overall health

Allergies and asthma

Mushrooms have similarly positive effects vital on allergic diseases such as asthma or allergic rhinitis. In allergies, there is an excessive activation of immune cells such as mast cells and basophils, which produce IgE antibodies. Betaglucans can regulate this reaction, thus relieving symptoms such as shortness of breath or chronic rhinitis.

Children with asthma who received betaglucan supplements showed improvement in symptoms and an increase in overall immunity.

Betaglucansand other mechanisms of immunomodulation

Influence of oxidative stress

Oxidative stress is another factor that can trigger and maintain inflammatory responses. Betaglucans, due to their antioxidant properties, can reduce the level of free radicals in the body, thus preventing immune cell activation beyond what is necessary.

Gut microbiome and immunity

Vital mushrooms also have a positive effect on the gut microbiome, which is crucial for the proper functioning of the immune system. Polysaccharides, including beta-glucans, serve as food for beneficial gut bacteria, which then produce substances that promote anti-inflammatory reactions. A proper balance of the microbiome is therefore essential not only for gut health but also for the overall immune response.


Vital mushrooms, rich in beta-glucans, are an excellent tool for modulating the immune system. Their ability to stimulate immune cells while dampening exaggerated immune reactions makes these mushrooms a very versatile dietary supplement. Whether it's to improve immunity against infections or to reduce inflammation in autoimmune and allergic diseases, mushrooms such as Reishi, Coriolus, Maitake, Agaricus, Cordyceps and Chaga provide many benefits.

If you are looking for a way to support your immune system the natural way, vital mushrooms with beta-glucans are a great choice, confirmed by numerous studies. It is important that the mushrooms contain real betaglucans see for example the PRO range from MycoMedica.

Author:Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapist
Milan Schirlo