PFAPA Syndrome. Possible cause of recurrent fevers in children

PFAPA syndrome, stands for Periodic Fever, Aphthous Stomatitis, Pharyngitis, and Adenitis. It is both a little known and underestimated disease. It mainly affects children.

The syndrome is characterized by recurrent episodic fevers, sore throat, mouth aphthae, and inflammation of the cervical nodes. Although PFAPA is considered harmless and does not cause long-term complications, it can significantly affect a child's quality of life.


What are the symptoms of sydrome?

The symptoms of PFAPA syndrome are distinct and recurrent. The main ones include:

  • Fevers - usually occur at regular intervals (every 3-5 weeks) and last for 3-7 days. In most cases, the fevers are higher than 38.5°C.
  • Aphthous stomatitis - painful sores in the mouth, as a result of which the child may begin to refuse food.
  • Pharyngitis - sore throat without the presence of streptococcal infection.
  • Adenitis - swelling and tenderness of the cervical nodes.

Diagnosis of PFAPA syndrome is often based on clinical signs and exclusion of other diseases. There is no specific test to confirm this diagnosis, which in turn can lead to delayed identification as well as delayed treatment.

Causes of PFAPA syndrome - an attempt to explain it by western medicine

Although the syndrome was first described in 1987, the exact causes of its onset remain unknown. Research provides at least some clues that may help to better understand this "mysterious" syndrome.

1. Geneticfactors

One of the most studied aspects of PFAPA syndrome is genetic factors. Some studies suggest that PFAPA may have a genetic predisposition, as it is more likely to occur in families with a history of similar syndromes or autoimmune diseases. Nevertheless, no specific gene has been identified that is directly responsible for PFAPA.

2. The immunesystem

It is thought that PFAPA syndrome may result from misregulation of the immune system. The body may overreact to common stimuli, leading to repeated inflammatory episodes. This process could explain the regularity and recurrence of symptoms.



3. Infectious factors

Although no specific infection has been linked to PFAPA syndrome, some experts believe that common viral or bacterial infections may act as triggers. A child's body may react to these infections in an abnormal way, leading to the manifestations of PFAPA syndrome.

4. Environmental factors

The quality of the environment and the child's exposure to various allergens or toxins may also play a role.

Treatment of PFAPA syndrome with Western medicine

The treatment of PFAPA syndrome is symptomatic. Corticosteroids are usually used and may shorten the duration of febrile episodes but do not affect the frequency of episodes. In some cases, tonsillectomy (removal of the tonsils) is used as a means of reducing the frequency or stopping the episodes altogether. This is not a good solution and, more importantly, does not eliminate the cause of the problem.

Causes of PFAPA syndrome - explanation by traditional Chinese medicine

The causes of PFAPA syndrome are not entirely clear even in traditional Chinese medicine. The famous physician Zhang Zhong Jing, in his work "Treatise on Cold Injury" (3rd century AD), explains periodic fevers as an imbalance between the layer of nourishment (Ying) and defense (Wei). He sees the cure in the administration of the herbal mixture Gui Zhi Tang (known as Cinnamon Caress), which balances the two layers. The Gui Zhi Tang blend is primarily used when the body is attacked by wind chill (the initial stages of a cold or flu and when sweating is present, i.e. wind dominates).

Hidden pathogen

If the syndrome is viewed as a hidden pathogen, then other products may be more appropriate.

The goal of most pathogens we encounter is to get into the deeper layers of our body, establish themselves there and begin to lose energy whenever we are weakened, thus causing a variety of symptoms. If we have good Zheng Qi (the Chinese term for immunity and life force), then pathogens will not pass through the outer layers of defense. They are eliminated at the surface or pushed out. If the body is not in good condition when attacked by a pathogen, then the pathogen has the power to reach the deeper layers, the internal organs. And it's hard to get away from these places.

The hidden pathogen causes very diverse and "strange" symptoms. Western medicine often fails to diagnose their cause and patients end up on antidepressants. Typical symptoms include fatigue and exhaustion, increased temperature, moving pains throughout the body, neurological symptoms, skin seeding, brain fog, etc. Typical examples are chronic Lyme disease, sequelae of mononucleosis or chlamydial infection. It is believed that a hidden pathogen is also the cause of PFAPA syndrome.


Risk of vaccination

This statement cannot be proven unequivocally, but in our opinion, vaccination can also lead to the emergence of a hidden pathogen (and thus PFAPA syndrome).

Vaccination introduces the pathogen into the body - even if dead or weakened. And bypasses the outer layers of defence. It goes straight to the inside of the body and there it becomes a "hidden pathogen".

Treatment of PFAPA syndrome with traditional Chinese medicine

The flagship vital mushroom for treating the hidden pathogen is Coriolus (Coriolus versicolor - 40% polysaccharides). Coriolus is the "best killer" of all vital mushrooms that do not belong in the body.

It eliminates viruses, bacteria, chlamydia, borrelia, even uncontrollably multiplying cancer cells. It's great for hidden pathogens. For children around 10 years old, we recommend one capsule 3 times a day (always take for 5 days and then take a break for 2 days).



The second important preparation is the herbal recipe Xiao Chai Hu Tang (you know it by its English name Opening the Door). This prescription is used for a wide variety of indications - for chronic inflammation, for recurring illnesses, for catching up after acute infections, as well as forbronchitis, tonsil plugs, prolonged coughs, hepatitis, gastritis, gastritis, reflux and heartburn, exhaustion, but especially for hidden pathogens. According to Chinese medicine, it solves problems in the Shao Yang layer, which is the layer between the outside and the inside. The typical symptom of an attack on this layer is alternating chills and fever.

Administer the Xiao Chai Hu Tang Herbal Recipe and Vital Mushroom Coriolus until the symptoms completely disappear, i.e. until the periodic fevers stop completely.

Duration of treatment for PFAPA syndrome

The treatment period lasts about 3 to 8 months. A lot depends on the overall constitution, and also on the child's fitness. It is certainly possible and advisable to administer the preparations for a longer period of time, as the hidden pathogen is able to hide really well and only reappear when the body weakens. Otherwise one feels well. Then it is difficult to judge whether the pathogen is inside or already under control.

Prevention of relapses

When the pathogen has been "tamed", it is necessary to take really good care of prevention! Strengthen the child's organism so that the pathogen does not return. Eat a good, regular and varied diet, exercise, get enough sleep and rest, spend time in nature and give your child a happy life.