Hair mask

The power of reishi mushroom, ginseng, argan oil and shea butter gives hair intense hydration, nourishment and shine.

All the ingredients in our cosmetics meet CPK trademark standards. The certificate can be found here.

13,90 €
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13,90 €
In stock - Orders received by 13:00 will be dispatched the same day.
Maska na vlasy
13,90 €

CareMedicahair mask

Intensive hair mask visibly restores strength and shine to the hair. Reishi promotes a healthy scalp and has rejuvenating effects. Ginseng nourishes the hair in depth and helps its natural regeneration. Argan oil and shea butter restore vitality and hydration to the hair. The mask is suitable for all hair types, but especially for weakened hair.

How to use CareMedicaHair Mask?

Apply an amount the size of 1-2 hazelnuts to the lengths and ends of dried hair. Gently massage in. Leave on for 5-10 minutes and rinse hair thoroughly. Only then use conditioner. Apply 1-2 times a week. For more visible results, combine with CareMedica Shampoo and Conditioner.

Main active ingredients

There is beauty in simplicity. Literally. Each product contains just a few active ingredients that effectively support natural beauty with their power and unique effects.

For each active ingredient, you can check by rating from 1 to 5 whether it is purely natural and therefore kind to the skin and to our health, or whether it contains a certain proportion of synthetic substances that are less suitable for more sensitive people ("1" means the best rating, "5" means the worst rating). Our aim has been to work only with substances in the '1' category.

Our journey with the CareMedicabrand

More than 10 years of experience with traditional Chinese medicine and vital mushrooms has led our family business to the conclusion: what helps on the inside can help on the outside. We decided to use our knowledge to create cosmetics that combine simplicity, purity of composition and quality with the effects of extracts from vital mushrooms and herbs of traditional Chinese medicine. Our philosophy is simple, just like CareMedica's vision of effective natural cosmetics. We treat not only each other nicely, but also nature. That's why we only use raw materials that are environmentally friendly in the production of our cosmetic products. This is how the Czech natural cosmetics CareMedica was created. From the highest quality herbs, vital mushrooms and natural ingredients. Out of faith in what we do, out of love for what we believe in. In nature.

Polické rocks

A return to nature

We believe in a return to wise nature and traditional Eastern medicine. We believe in purity and simplicity. We believe in quality and gentle care. That's why we care so much about the origin of the raw materials used, the method of production and its safety. We want your skin to love CareMedica cosmetics.

The CareMedica brand comes from the region of Police Walls

The CareMedica brand comes from the region of the Polish Walls

The idea of the CareMedica brand was born in the heart of nature - in the region of the Polish Walls. After more than 10 years of experience with vital mushrooms and traditional herbs, our family company decided to bring the magic of these natural ingredients to body and skin care.

The CareMedica brand is CPK certified

The CareMedica brand boasts a CPK certificate

CPK is the Czech certificate of natural cosmetics and indicates products that contain only the highest quality plant ingredients obtained in an environmentally friendly way. The products are free of paraffin, petrolatum, silicone, petroleum derivatives, genetically modified raw materials, chemical UV filters, synthetic dyes, harmful substances and substances of animal origin, the acquisition of which involves the slaughter of an animal. A minimum of 85% natural raw materials is a condition for certification.

The CareMedica brand is based on herbal tradition

The CareMedica brand is based on herbal tradition

The recipes of each product are based on the tradition of Chinese medicine, which has been helping people for more than 4,000 years. They combine the power of vital mushrooms and Asian herbs with other active ingredients of natural origin.

CareMedica brand contains 99.32% ingredients of natural origin

The CareMedica brand contains 99.32% ingredients of natural origin

There is beauty in simplicity. Literally. Each product contains just a few active ingredients that effectively support natural beauty with their power and unique effects .

The CareMedica brand is respectful of nature

The CareMedica brand is respectful of nature

No animal testing has been conducted.

CareMedica brand is dermatologically tested

The CareMedica brand is dermatologically tested

Out of love for the planet and respect for nature, we use only environmentally friendly raw materials.

The CareMedica brand is distinguished by its unique recipes

The CareMedica brand features unique recipes

We combine both the knowledge of modern dermatology and the wisdom of Eastern medicine in the creation of each recipe.

Product Reviews

The reviews we share with you here are independent observations from customers who have actually bought our products. We do not supervise the content of the reviews and are only responsible for it in cases provided for by law.

Jana Vyhňáková

15.10.2024 Olomouc
Kvalitní zboží, spokojenost, rychlé dodání.

Eva Řezníčková

11.08.2024 Branka u Opavy
Produkty jsem si objednala opětovně a jsem velmi spokojená. Masku na mé vlnité vlasy používám po umytí vlasů a již nesmývám. Osvědčilo se mi to. Vlasy nejsou krepovité a vysušené. Zvlášť v létě. Děkuji

Gabriela Nohavicova

17.06.2023 Nový Jičín
Velice, jsem spokojená s produkty opravdu mi pomáhají při mých těžkých nemocech mám jich hodně a všechny produkty jsou špičkové kvality. A hlavně chci velmi poděkovat paní doktorce Lence Gluvnove za její krásný přístup ke mě a velmi mi pomáhá. Kéž by bylo tolik fajn lékařů. Kteří ne jen píšu chemické léky ty ano se musí brát, ale píšou jich moc. A právě proto paní doktorce Lence Gluvnove děkuji za ochotu, že mi napíše, vždy na email, když si nevím rady, jak mám Vitální Houbičky si dávat. Tak samo i Tinktury. A, také děkuji celému týmu Myco Medica za také krásný přístup k nám lidem a vstřícné jednání. Jste super lidé. A právě já mám kardiostimulator od roku 2014 a tím, že jim Reisi, tak opravdu mi drží srdíčko. A, ještě mi nebyla v strojku čili Kardiostimulatoru udělaná výměna batetie. Lidé v mém okolí to prostě nechápou co mají Kardiostimulator, že mi, ještě nebyla výměnná baterie v kardiostimulatoru. Že, jejich známi maji Kardiostimulator a co 2 roky nebo 3 roky jím mění baterii. Jenže právě neberou ty skvělé Vitální Houbičky. Byla, jsem nemocná nachlazena a vzala, jsem si Corilus 3 krát denně po dobu nachlazení a, kdybych byla jen u chemické léčby Paralen, Brufen, a Sirupy, a lékárny, které mi vůbec, když, jsem nebrala Vitální Houbičky ani, jsem nevěděla, že něco takového je. Tak ten Coriolus mi zkrátil dobu nachlazení. Běžně při užívání Chemických léků, Sirupu s lékáren. Léčba byla 14 dnů a při chřipce až měsíc. A, když beru ty Vitální Houbičky a Tinktury a s Myco Medica, tak léčba trvá jen 4 dny při nachlazení. Chřipku nemám vůbec. A to, jsem mívala chřipky časté. Beru i jiné produkty Myco Medica Myco Stres je vynikající také, Hercium pomáhá při Neuropatii bystri mozek pomáhá mi s pamětí Hericium mám těžké Deprese. A nejen lidem pomáhají Vitální Houbičky, ale i zvířátkům. Mám pejska má nemocné srdíčko a pořád jen spinkal a, teď co se dělíme spolu s mým pejskem o Reisi, tak se mu zdraví zlepšilo a to o hodně se spícího pejska je vitální pejsek má 10 let. Takže děkuji moc Myco Medica, You Medica a Care Medica má perfektní také špičkové produkty přírodní kosmetiky.